

Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute and Adult Learning Centre (Burnhamthorpe CI, BCI, Burnhamthorpe ALC, BCALC, or Burnhamthorpe) is an adult and alternative high school.

1956, Founded in Etobicoke, ON.

The school was built as part of the Toronto District School Board in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada, originally part of the Etobicoke Board of Education. The motto for Burnhamthorpe is Quisque Praestet Officium which translates to “No matter whose attention offers”.


During the school year BCI shared classrooms with students at Martingrove Collegiate Institute, whose school was not completed in time for the start of the school year.

2018, New Era

Principal Patrick Knight and his team reorganize to take the school to the next level!

  • Students
  • Alumni
Students Graduate Empowered

The graduate numbers have been progressively increasing since this school was founded, and now accelerating in the last couple of years!

Students are Prepared

The enrollment of the school started high, increased with the merger of Albion, then decreased, but is now at its all time high!

Patrick Knight

(416) 394-7130 Ext 123


Robin Duke - actress
Catherine O'Hara - actress and writer, Second City Television
Nik Ranieri - Supervising Animator, Walt Disney Feature Animation
George Smitherman - former Ontario Deputy Premier