
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions or concerns in this Frequently asked questions section. Read more FAQ about individual programs on their page.

At the Registration, you will write an English Assessment. If your language skills are not strong enough to be successful at BCALC, the Counsellor will refer you to an appropriate program.

Yes, you must be 21 years of age to register.

Yes, you must have a career or educational goal and agree to take only certain courses that lead to that goal.

Yes, we will evaluate your documents and award Ontario Equivalent Credits for your other education.

The school year is divided into 4 quadmesters or terms. Thus, you can begin at BCALC 4 times per year… in September, November, February, and April.

Each day is divided into 3 periods, each 2 hours long.

Period 1 – 8:40 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

Period 2 – 10:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.

Period 3 – 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

No, there is no Night School at BCALC. However, BCALC students have the opportunity to attend both Night and Summer School operated by the Toronto District School Board – Continuing Education in various other locations across Toronto.

Yes, we have the Outreach Co-Op Program, a 4-credit package designed for those who hold a daytime job and cannot attend school during regular daytime school hours. Please see the full description in the Program Description section.

You need:

· at least 30 credits

· 18 Compulsory credits, 12 Elective

· 16 credits at the grade 9 and the 10; 14 credits level at grade 11 and 12 level

· ENG4C (Grade 12 English)

· OLC4O (Ontario Literacy Credit)

· 40 Hours of community volunteer service

Each course is worth 1 credit. In addition to individual courses, there is a Co-op package which has 4 credits.

No, but all pre-requisite credits for entry must be completed. Mature students need to demonstrate academic skills at a college level of study.

You can earn a maximum of 3 credits each quadmester. It is recommended that students attempt two credits per quadmester.

A quadmester is 45 days long. Courses offered at Burnhamthope LC are completed in 1 quadmester. There are 4 quadmester in the year.

Unfortunately, you must be available to come to school Monday to Friday for the full 45 days of the quad.

Parking is available and free of charge, all students must obtain a parking pass to identify your vehicle as a student vehicle.

There is a ‘Not-for-Profit’ daycare on site. Students must apply for a daycare placement.

No, BCALC is not a Post-Secondary Institution that charges Tuition Fees.

No, students must provide their own means of financial support while attending BCALC.

While this is possible, it is up to you to negotiate with your E.I. Worker.

Daily attendance is required and success at BCALC depends upon good attendance. Poor attendance or chronic lateness could result in removal from a course or program removed from the program.

BCALC graduates receive the same Ontario Secondary School Diplomas as any other Ontario students of any age.

Students currently enrolled or recent graduates (up to one year) receive all transcripts from BCI/BCALC for FREE.

Former students who request transcripts will be charged a flat fee of $22.00 for ONE transcript. All additional copies will be $5.00 each. Calling ahead to arrange pick-up will decrease your wait time.

For transcript inquires during March break, Christmas vacation and when the school is closed during July and August, please contact the Central Transcript Office at 416-396-4783.

Central Transcript Office
The Central Transcript Office will handle requests for those students who have been out of school for more than five years. Please contact their office at 416-396-4783.