Although memories of past summers evoke images of our old location, Stong College, Success Beyond Limits is forging ahead with new memories at our new home, Osgoode Hall Law School.
"In youth we learn; in age we understand."Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
For remarkable professional and community accomplishments early in his or her career.
Chris Penrose (BA ’04)
Executive Director, Success Beyond Limits
Described as a “big-picture thinker with his feet (and heart) on the ground,” Chris Penrose has been working with youth in the Jane-Finch community for over a decade. As the Executive Director of Success Beyond Limits, he has had direct and positive impact on the lives of hundreds of youth in the community, drawing on his own turbulent adolescence to help them achieve higher credit accumulations, better attendance and higher grades than other students in their cohort. A regular invited guest on CBC Metro Morning, Chris has become an important voice in Toronto on violence, policing and community issues as they affect youth.