Posts Tagged ‘2012’
SBL 2010 – 2012
• Over the course of two summers, 195 new grade 9 students have gone through the Success Beyond Limits summer program; 174 credits have been granted, giving an 89% success rate of students eligible for the credit.
• Achieved a classroom ratio of 1 teacher to 15 students.
• Additional one to one student support as each classroom has 3-4 mentors, bringing the level of support to a 1 to 3 ratio.
• 45 Mentors have been employed and trained during the summer and school year since 2010.
• All 4 of our graduating Mentors in 2010 went on to post-secondary education.
• Brought 7 external programs/organizations to Westview to provide valuable programming to Westview students.
• Worked in partnership with the staff at Brookview Middle School and Oakdale Park Middle School to offer students youth-led workshops and to conduct outreach for our summer program.