"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Posted on: June 22, 2012

Archive for the ‘News’ Category

SBL Summer 2012 Graduation *Video*

Posted on: August 10th, 2012 by admin No Comments

The culmination of a successful and fun filled summer leads to our annual graduation slideshow.  Here is the SBL Summer 2012 Graduation Slideshow.

Unity Break Dancing

Posted on: August 1st, 2012 by admin No Comments

SBL mentees (students) spending the afternoon united under the banner of Hip Hop as B-Boys and B-Girls dancing to breakbeats.  Collaborating with Unity Break Dancing , SBL mentees are given the opportunity to showcase their talents.  Dead Prez said it best “it’s bigger than Hip Hop.”

CBC Metro Morning – Relevant Education Needed

Posted on: July 26th, 2012 by admin No Comments



Deshawn, one of our mentors (and a former mentee) was on Metro Morning today to discuss solutions in the midst of the disappointing responses from elected officials and decision-makers.

Listen here (runs 9:09)

Mentees on the sandy seashore of woodbine beach

Posted on: July 20th, 2012 by admin No Comments

Mentees had a grand time on the seashore dipping their feet into the soft waves. Many faces were so radiant and filled with bliss. The day was extremely hot, but as the mentees walked along the shore line their feet rubbed against the rocks soothing the constant thought of fatigue like pedicure. The cold water temperature came with chills up the shins of the legs every time the soft waves whipped right in between their wiggly toes. While others spent their time running down the endless beach shore flying kits and wondering if the rumours of why the indoor pool was closed is true.

The Toronto Star: Jane-Finch summer program helps Grade 8 kids — and turns older youth into mentors

Posted on: July 20th, 2012 by admin No Comments



Deshawn Williams didn’t used to see himself as a leader, and he sure didn’t want to work with kids.


But after he got into some trouble with firecrackers in Grade 8, his principal at Oakdale Park Middle School suggested he try a local summer mentorship camp.


The free six-week program — 3 Rs with fun on the side — gave him an early high school credit and a taste of what school might do for his future.


He liked it so much he started to volunteer and then became a mentor himself for Success Beyond Limits, the non-profit mentoring group that has trained hundreds of Jane-Finch teens to be role models for kids in their community.


Most now head to post-secondary education and set an example for younger students.


While having a mentor is helpful, it seems being one can also pay off.


“Being a mentor was a major turnaround for my life; I now know I can be a leader and maybe change the way things are done,” said Deshawn, now 17 and entering Grade 12 this fall atWestview Centennial Secondary School. “It’s even strengthened my relationship with my little sister.”


He plans to become a child and youth worker for the Children’s Aid Society.


Deshawn is one of 24 Westview students in Grade 11 and 12 working as mentors this summer for the free Grade 9 prep program, whereby 100 Grade 8 graduates from Oakdale Park andBrookview Middle School are bussed to York University for a head start on high school English and math from Toronto District School Board teachers in the morning. That’s followed by field trips and leadership programs with mentors in the afternoon. Students who struggle academically are given priority, and they earn a high school credit in General Learning Strategies.


But the mentors get something out of it, too.


“I went in scared; I didn’t know a young man from Jane-Finch could be a mentor — I presumed I’d need a mentor,” recalled Nana Tieku, 21, who went from almost blowing his bid for the mentoring job — “My interview sucked; my speech was horrible” — to being hired on for three years.


He only quit to become vice-chair of the board.


“Being a mentor helped me face my fear of public speaking, and even working with at-risk youth. I didn’t know what to do, but they gave us really practical training — not much paperwork; lots of role playing — and here I am, once seen as an at-risk youth, mentoring at-risk youth.”


Youth worker Christopher Penrose is not surprised; as executive director of Success Beyond Limits, he said being made a mentor is a vote of confidence that too few Jane-Finch teens ever get because of the public’s focus on violence and poverty in their neighbourhood.


It’s one of the reasons he encourages mentors on Twitter.


“They’re not always the best students academically, but we look for mentors who can discover new levels of purpose and responsibility,” said Penrose, whose group is funded by a number of charities, including the (Blue) Jays Care Foundation and the United Way as well as the TDSB.


Mauricio Araya is a Grade 8 teacher at Oakdale Park, where a 12-year-old student was caught last year with a gun in his backpack.


“This neighbourhood has some challenges, but I see mentoring turn kids around 360 degrees; a lot are natural-born leaders who are just putting those skills into the wrong things,” Araya said at a spring recruitment rally for the program. “This program also shows them they can actually make money doing something positive — the mentors get paid.”


Araya has watched Success Beyond Limits transform Deshawn. “The neighborhood kids look up to him now; Deshawn has influence with a lot of kids.”


Oakdale Park Principal Craig Crone admits a high school prep program is helpful in a community where few families can afford summer enrichment activities.


“They also get to meet some mentors they will see when they get to Westview, and in Grade 9, friendly faces are good.


“While principals can tell kids, ‘Go to class, do your work, stay out of trouble,’ the kids go: ‘Yeah, yeah.’” said Crone. “But when a young mentor from their own community says it, they listen.”


Reference: The Toronto Star



Wavy in the wave pool

Posted on: July 13th, 2012 by admin No Comments

Monstrous waves collapsed the sound of joyful laughter, but it was more than obvious that the mentees had a wonderful time there by the expressions or their face. The faces of excitement, ecstasy, and jubilance was fulfilling to the mentors and staff. The mentees bounced around from the hot tub, the sonar to the deepest end of the wave pool. Some even took a dare to ride down a huge slide reaching to the ceiling of the facility. The mentees who dared to take the challenge put the emotion of fear to shame when they came racing down the slide and crashing into the deep water and have the courage to do it again.

Parent Night

Posted on: July 11th, 2012 by admin No Comments


It was an afternoon of lecture and interest. An evening of talk and feedback from 6pm until 8pm, but because the mass amount of information and the many engaged parents the meeting was prolonged. Time took on a mind of its and compelled the staff and parents to think that the time was of no issue, but the bus driver waiting as its designated area for about a half hour extra in the dark strongly disagreed. On the best of the bright side, delectable, mouthwatering snacks to nimble on was provided along with new relationships.

Rollerblading Away!

Posted on: July 6th, 2012 by admin No Comments

Inside the Rinx was dramatic chaotic fun. Mini golf, bowling, laser tag , and roller skating were the four options for the mentees to choose from; They could go in and out to test the waters of the different activities, but out of the four activities, roller-skating was the most popular because of its gargantuan space, trendy pop music, and screams of laughter. Positive energy is something everyone is always attracted too. That is why the strong heartbeat of the rink brought so many mentees to it.  – Aliyah


Posted on: January 30th, 2012 by admin No Comments

Matt Galloway spoke with the deputy chief of the Toronto Police Service, Peter Sloly, and wirh Staff Inspector Mark Saunders, he heads up the Toronto Police Homicide Squad.
Listen audio (runs 8:08)

Societal Problem

Posted on: January 27th, 2012 by admin No Comments

Matt Galloway spoke about “the code of silence” with the director of the Success Beyond Limits Education Program External Site Chris Penrose, and with Andrew Newsome. He is a former mentor in the program.
Listen audio (runs 7:55)