"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Posted on: June 22, 2012

Archive for the ‘News’ Category

What’s Happening Right Now: Our 2013 Summer Program

Posted on: July 5th, 2013 by admin No Comments


Starting high school as a new grade 9 student is a life-shaping transition.  It is exciting in all of the newness it promises: it’s bigger, a different teacher for each subject, more fellow students in the building, new academic challenges, and more.  It can also be laced with anxiety, stress and uncertainty.


This is even more true for students already facing challenges.  In Toronto, there is a policy called age-appropriate promotion where all students in grade 8 – regardless of how they did and where their skills are at – will go to grade 9.   This is further complicated when, whether it is Math or English, you are not ready to jump into the new curriculum with confidence.   There are also neighbourhood complexities, where persistent myths of the other side of the community, a side where you spend little to no time, come crashing together in a building that is the home high school to both.  And then there is the perceived pecking order; you come in as a grade 9, with hundreds of seasoned senior students who can make or break your experience.


With all of that in mind, Success Beyond Limits delivers a comprehensive summer program at York University for students in the Jane and Finch community.  Hosted in our new location of the recently re-designed Osgoode Hall Law School, the plush, bright, open-concept space immediately sets the atmosphere to the tune of excellence.


Registering 115 grade 9 students to earn their first credit before beginning high school in September, they make incredible use of their summer.  They are met at our three bus pick-up locations throughout the community by 23 senior Westview Centennial students in bright blue shirts who work in the summer program through the TDSB Focus on Youth program as Mentors (who also have the chance to earn dual coop credits, while employed).


Upon arrival at York, students are met by a daily breakfast and an opening morning assembly – a mish-mash of inspiration, energy and instructions on the day.


Students spend the morning in classrooms with seven amazing TDSB teachers earning a General Learning Strategies credit, focusing on literacy, numeracy and life skills.  With small class sizes, we have 1 teacher, 3 mentors and 15 students in each room.  Making use of the technology equipped classrooms at York University, students benefit from differentiated instruction, one-on-one support, and exciting, relevant content.


New to the program this year is a Hip Hop curriculum that has been incorporated into the classroom, using the music and culture that students are passionate about to engage in higher-order thinking and critical discussions and learning aimed at empowerment.


Lunch is also a unique time for us.  It is considered class time, where students, teachers and mentors eat together over discussions that unpack and reinforce the learning of the summer.


In the afternoon, our Mentors are supported by guest facilitators and a pair of former Mentors as Recreation Staff as they make the most of the amazing facilities of the York University campus.  They go swimming, make use of the gym, and they use the music and dance studios to engage in a variety of arts, sports and recreation activities.


Each week is capped off with a field trip to a variety of fun and engaging spots around our city that include go-karting, roller-skating, a wave pool, a beach day, and more.


Some of the highlights of the summer program include our Parent Night, Career Day, the Track Meet, Play Day, the Mock Trials (delivered by the LAWS program), and our graduation to be held on August 6th.


Of note, is that over the past few summers many of our students, mentors, staff and teachers in our summer program have been observing Ramadan.  This year it is taking place between July 9th to August 8th, and through accommodations everyone is able to enjoy Ramadan while participating in our summer of fun.


The Success Beyond Limits Education Program is delivered in partnership with the Toronto District School Board and the York University Faculty of Education.


The Success Beyond Limits Summer Program is supported by:


Jays Care Foundation, Toronto District School Board (Urban Priority High School Fund, Focus on Youth, Continuing Education, and Westview Centennial Secondary School), Trillium Foundation, Jumpstart Foundation, York University Faculty Association, United Way Toronto, COSTI, and Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

New Location and New Space

Posted on: July 5th, 2013 by admin No Comments






Although memories of past summers evoke images of our old location, Stong College, Success Beyond Limits is forging ahead with new memories at our new home, Osgoode Hall Law School.












An SBL Mentor’s Educational Journey

Posted on: June 27th, 2013 by admin No Comments



Source: The Toronto Star



He made it.


The struggling Grade 12 student, who entered his last year of high school at Westview Centennial Secondary School last September, has graduated with honours — for the first time in his life.


Even though he only needed two credits to finish his high school education, it was never going to be a slam dunk.


The year got off to a bad start as the 18-year-old, long known for his easily triggered temper, got in a fight with another student at school — a momentary return into his old ways that could have forever jeopardized his dream of graduating from high school.


He faced charges, but those were later dropped.


Alay was upset that he’d lost control considering the stakes were so high.


But with the support of the mentoring program Success Beyond Limits, Alay kept going.


SBL’s Chris Penrose was devastated that Alay had risked his dream of a high school diploma. But he wasn’t about to bail on the student who was so close to his goal.


“I told him we’re not giving up on you as a person. We’re not giving up on your potential,” recalls Penrose.


Alay’s graduation this month, “is the fruit of that determination,” he says.


He’s stronger now, says Penrose.


“He has taken a leadership role at SBL. We gave him the space to fail. He had to make that mistake and learn from it. He’s learned just how much it takes to succeed when you’ve got everything stacked against you.”


Alay says his relapse into violence and the subsequent brief expulsion provided him with the opportunity to, “think about what I want, not what someone else wants of me. I had to finally get rid of the negative thoughts.”


Alay says he’s excited to embark on his career as a general carpenter, building forms for concrete work. It’s a job he believes will hold his interest and earn him a living, he says. “I want to work and support myself,” says Alay.


“I believe I’m going to have a good life. I can’t just live in the moment.”



Chronicles of the Outspoken 2013

Posted on: May 28th, 2013 by admin No Comments


Back by popular demand Chronicles of the Outspoken 2013.


Come out and watch the amazing talent that Westview Centennial Secondary School students have.




Summary for the month of May

Posted on: May 28th, 2013 by admin No Comments



Good Evening SBL Friends and Supporters!


The count-down to SBL Summer 2013 is on – we only have 5 weeks left!  Our mentors are 8 weeks deep in their training, and our teaching team is hired with their planning moving full-steam ahead.  And, most importantly, our registration of grade 9s is almost full already!


This late May period is a peculiar space for us, because as schools are moving into a strong finish and wind-down mode, we are getting ramped up for – as is always the vision – our best summer yet!


In the midst of it, we have a few key updates that ask three things of you if you are able:


1) A pencil mark in your calendar


2) 12 minutes on Youtube


3) A Wednesday evening


And with that, here we go:


Graduation SAVE THE DATE: Success Beyond Limits Summer Program 2013 @ York University 


Our summer program begins on July 2nd, 2013, but we are inviting all of our friends and supporters to mark their calendars for our summer program graduation:


Thursday, August 8th, 2013 from 630-9PM at York University (location TBD)


If your schedule allows, we would love to have you join us for the evening.  This event of celebration will recognize the accomplishments of our students, celebrate their talents and voices, and – as always – will be full of delights and surprises.


Students Speaking on “Streaming” 


The wisdom and experience of youth in our city is a treasure that we, too often, don’t access enough.


When the education advocacy organization People for Education released a report about streaming in Ontario high schools (http://www.peopleforeducation.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/trouble-with-course-choices-in-high-school-2013.pdf) our team wanted to hear what students had to say on the topic.  We had a series of on-camera conversations soaking in the insights and experiences of students and put it together into a short 12 minute video called, “Streaming in High School? A Conversation With Students”.


Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Futf06gavuA


Chronicles 2013


In 2012, SBL continued our valuable partnership with the Art Gallery of York University through an initiative called Chronicles of the Outspoken, which included a series of workshops, a video blog, and a showcase at York University.


A year later, the students that were a part of that initiative are still writing, creating and performing.  To showcase their growth and continue to give a stage to their voices and talents the AGYU will be hosting Chronicles 2013.


When: Wednesday, May 29th from 6PM-7PM


Where: Tribute Communities Recital Hall, York University


See the link for more details:



Streaming In High School

Posted on: May 17th, 2013 by admin No Comments


A recent report by the People for Education titled The Trouble with Course Choices in High Schools detailing the streaming nature of schools was released. What are students thoughts on the idea of ‘streaming’?



Summary of the month of April

Posted on: April 30th, 2013 by admin No Comments


Dear SBL Friends and Supporters,


Welcome to May!  And for us, we are starting it looking back at the past month. The amazing thing about April, regardless of the weather, is that the process of getting ready for the summer brings a rush of memories that are full of sunlight and warmth from past years.  This will be the 6th summer that the core of our team has been together delivering 120+ credits to secondary students at York University, with the promise of building on past success and adding new improvements before us.  That said, we have been busy,  With what?  Read on and find out!


Jays Care Foundation

In April of 2010, many in the Jane and Finch and York U community came together to form Success Beyond Limits (SBL).  The first partner to step up to support the voices of young people in Jane and Finch that stood behind SBL was the Jays Care Foundation.  Their support of our summer program model had gone back a few years previous to 2010 and they, like the community, wanted to see it continue.


On Wednesday, April 17th the Jays Care Foundation hosted their 2013 Grant Slam Grants recipients, and Success Beyond Limits was among them.  We received the fantastic news that we were among the 2013 grantees to the tune of $50,000 for our summer program, which is vital to creating the conditions for the achievements of our students.


The role of the Jays Care Foundation as partners has been fundamental to our achievements over the years.


Mark Your Calendars – SBL Summer Grad 2013

On August 8th from 630-9pm, we will be holding the 2013 SBL Graduation at York University.  Put it in the calendar and look out for more details in the coming weeks!

Summer 2013 – Mentor Hiring and Training

Through our long-standing partnership with the Toronto District School Board Focus on Youth Program, we were able to get an early jump on hiring our 2013 summer program Mentors.  This group of 25 young leaders is an exciting group.  We have 15 Mentors returning from last summer, and of the that group 22 were actually Mentees in the program.


Once hired in late March, they began weekly training covering topics that include ‘Program Planning’, ‘Goal Setting,’ ‘Mentorship’, and ‘Classroom Management 101’.  This training will continue right up until the start of the program.


Beyond the learning taking place, the Mentors are already deeply engaged in the summer program set-up.  As a result of the work done in training sessions so far, our summer menu has been selected, field trips planned, and program plans are now in development.


One of the big training highlights ahead of us is the Mentor/Teacher social and planning, where plans for the classroom experience they will deliver together are developed.  With a good group of returning Mentors and teachers, there will be great chemistry (not to mention that many of the Mentors were students in our program of those same teachers they will be working with).

Site Lead Hired!

Our partnership with the Toronto District School Board Continuing Education Department is vital to our work, and our TDSB Site Lead is a prime example of the importance of this relationship.  We are happy to announce that Saraya Elwin of Westview Centennial (and Site Lead of SBL 2012) will be joining us for another summer.


Saraya brings an amazing combination of responsiveness to the needs of students, an uncompromising commitment to student success, the consistency of a leader by example, and a great understanding and respect for the role that community and school partnerships play in giving our students the best.


Next up: building a team of 7 absolutely amazing teachers for the summer!

TEDxYorkU 2013

In March of 2013, TEDxYorkU took place in the Accolade East building of the Keele Campus of York.  The theme was “The Way Must Be Tried”, the York U motto.  The day was filled with York U people telling stories and opening up with “ideas worth sharing”.


It was an honour to be a part of the event as one of the speakers.  The talk I delivered was called “A Story About a Street”, and it focused on a journey down Shoreham to explore the relationship between Jane and Finch and York U (and where SBL fits in it all).  If there is anything to take away from it, it’s that we should move the relationship to a place where we are excited and inspired about it.  You can see the talk here:


Talk –



Intro Video –



After School Jobs Consultation – Ministry of Child and Youth Services


In September of 2012, in the wake of a tragic series of young lives being lost in our city, the Ontario Government, through the Ministry of Child and Youth Services, released the Youth Action Plan.  Having had our Mentors consulted by the Minister of Child and Youth Services at the time, Dr Eric Hoskins, we took the commitments of that action plan to heart.


One of the exciting opportunities from the Youth Action Plan for young people is the After-School Jobs program.  To support the role out of this ground-breaking effort, we assisted in assembling a number of community organizations and young leaders from Jane and Finch to offer advice on how this program can be a success.  There were many strong points put forward that, we are confident, will help this youth employment initiative work for youth.

SBL Website – Trillium Foundation


Last year we received a Trillium grant that included plans for a number of improvements and expansions for our organization.  One small piece was our website.  We had the big goal of getting it from 50 views a month to 1000 views a month by the end of our 3 year grant.  We were going to do this by working with a local Jane and Finch business, Change Promotions, to re-design our site, and empower students to create and post fresh and relevant content.  We also wanted to create a space where people who don’t get to spend time with SBL could check-in and get a sense of what we are up to without having to visit our Youth Space or programs.  A couple of weeks ago we checked in on our progress and found that we were at almost 3000 visitors a month after our first year!


You can check it out at: www.successbl.com

Getting Involved…


As a friend and supporter of SBL, you are well aware of our programs, Youth Space at Westview, and the student support we offer.  One important aspect of our commitment to education opportunities for youth is being a part of efforts to positively impact students in Jane and Finch and across the city.  Some of those efforts that we are a part of are:


Collective Impact Core Team – working on a collective effort across sectors for positive outcomes for youth.


Equity Policy Advisory Committee – an advisory committee to the TDSB on issues of inclusion and equity.


Education Roundtable – bringing alternative education initiatives across the city together to foster collective action, communication, and collaboration.


United Way Community of Practice on Youth Educational Attainment – participating as part of a community across the city committed to positive youth outcomes in the area of education.


‘Who’s Doing What?’ – a community effort to push forward equity in the Toronto District School Board.


Somali Student Conference – a gathering of students, teachers and community leaders to hold a dialogue on the action needed to improve outcomes for Somali students in the TDSB.


Student Success Committees at Westview – a group of teachers, administrators and community members working on collectively supporting the students that are struggling through mentorship, additional support and proactive interventions.


Canada 150: 2017 – staff and students contributing ideas on how Canada should celebrate 150 years in 2017, bringing a focus on opportunities for young people.


And the list goes on.


Here’s to a fantastic month of May!

Freedom Fridayz – April 26, 2013

Posted on: April 23rd, 2013 by admin No Comments


SBL staff and students are looking forward to another amazing and exciting  Freedom Friday showcasing the talent of youth from Jane and Finch.


Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm


Location:Yorkwoods Public Library- 1785 Finch Avenue West


Trampoline Dodgeball

Posted on: April 19th, 2013 by admin No Comments


Heading into the weekend the SBL staff, students, and mentors took time to enjoy some trampoline dodgeball. Future SBL participant looks on ready to get subbed into the game.




360 Windmill? 180 Tomahawk?  360 Between the Legs?



We got this!



Look at those hops

Tedx Talk – A Story About a Street: Jane Street

Posted on: April 17th, 2013 by admin No Comments



Executive Director Chris Penrose speaks about the complex and ever-changing relationship with York University and Jane and Finch.