"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Posted on: June 22, 2012

Jane Finch Environmental Project

Posted by admin

on March 30, 2015 at 11:27 am



March break this year was very successful on many levels. A lot of great work has been coming out of the Jane and Finch community. Sabrina ‘Butterfly’ GoPaul along with others have held a week long conference from March 16-20 at Yorkgate mall Community Engagement Centre (CEC).


This conference continued the conversation of urban planning in the community and how it relates to residents lived experience i.e Line 9, TTC, gentrification etc. SBL has forwarded two names to participate in the project. Matthew Alay and Natonia Laing were able to contribute, share their thoughts, and learn from others involved. Below is art work from Matthew who has never painted before. During the week, individuals were allowed to paint as part of the workshop process. Matthew felt he could think more clearly after finishing a painting and it greatly helped his input on daily topics that week.



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