Success Story – Rosmun Prescod
Posted by admin
on January 27, 2015 at 6:08 pm
Rosmun Prescod is an outgoing young lady, who not too long ago graduated from Westview Centennial Secondary School. Rosmun is now a Post-secondary student at Humber College studying social work, where she plans on utilizing her passion and skills to support young people within her community.
Rosmun admits that she was very unsure of her career goals during her high school years. It was not until she was introduced to the “Promoting Excellence” program staff (prior to the Success Beyond Limits program) that she began thinking about her future. Her experience with the Success Beyond Limits Program provided the resources and support needed to explore various venues. Her experience within these positive spaces meant that she was able to experience diverse programing and be exposed to a variety of opportunities.
As she thinks back to what made her enrol into a Post-Secondary Program such as social work, it becomes clear that this passion stems back to the years when she was a just a mentee in the SBL program. These experiences ultimately shaped her decision to pursue a career closely tied to community.
Rosmun is currently conducting her Community Engagement Placement (a requirement for her degree at Humber College) with the Success Beyond Limit’s organization, employing her passion for community, formal education and her experiences within the SBL youth space. She has proven to be yet another example of how support through mentorship can positively help development. The organization recognizes Rosmun’s tremendous personal growth and encourages her to shoot for the stars!
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