Archive for October, 2014
PLI and TYC Community Forum

Youth on Democracy Documentary
A documentary produced by youth for youth, Youth on Democracy is a city-wide collaboration featuring interviews with youth across Toronto who provide eye opening perspectives that makes the ‘apathy’ excuse a lot harder to sell. While shedding light on why young people aren’t heading to the polls in great numbers, it also showcases the inspiring ways young people are and can be involved in their communities and make a difference in our city.
Chris Penrose Speaks on Toronto’s Top Priorities
What does this election mean for this city? Matt Galloway spoke with Chris Penrose, he is the Executive Director of Success Beyond Limits. And we opened the phone lines to some of our listeners.
Listen (runs 14:57)
Children’s Colorado Hoops Fest
There’s one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain! It’s a T. It goes “tuh”. Anyone who laughs is a communist! Morbo will now introduce tonight’s candidates… Morbo’s good friend, Richard Nixon.
Trampoline Dodgeball!
We knew that being a recipient of the Toronto Foundation Vital Youth grant this year was going to be extra special because of the theme of the Pan Am and Parapan Games attached to this round funding.
With amazing plans for events every month, our first installment was at Toronto’s Sky Zone for trampoline dodgeball. Our very own budding filmmaker Sariena (she is 15!) made this great video documenting the fun that was had. This video WILL make you want to go play some trampoline dodgeball.
Behind the Scenes at TIFF
SBL participant and Westview student Mohamed Ibrahim recently sat down with Chris Penrose to talk about his experiences as a youth member on the TIFF Next Wave committee. Here’s what he had to say:
How did you get involved with TIFF?
Well, Tesfai (from Success Beyond Limits) announced information about TIFF Next Wave, and it sounded really interesting to me. I haven’t had very much exposure to films or the film industry, so I thought this might be a great opportunity to venture into this new world.
What is your role?
As a member of the TIFF Next Wave Committee, we do so many different things! It is really difficult to describe it briefly. With the TIFF Next Wave Film Festival, TIFF seeks to expand its reach to a younger audience and program films they’d enjoy! That is where we (The TIFF Next Wave Committee) come in! We are a group that comes with ideas to make programming for youth happen at TIFF – including the TIFF Next Wave Film Festival coming up February 13 to 15!
Who are you working with and what are you working on?
I work with other teenagers between the ages of 14-18 primarily. We work with a lot of TIFF staff including programmers and Communications, Marketing and Guest services. We work together and discuss films and program ideas at TIFF that would be of interest to our peers, the next generation of film lovers.
To someone who doesn’t know a lot about TIFF, how would you describe it?
TIFF Bell Lightbox is not your average movie theatre. The Toronto International Film Festival is not just a once in a year occasion. As a year-round organization, TIFF invests itself in connecting people to amazing film experiences of all kinds! This includes a wide range of films that people in North America would not get to usually see.
Why do you think youth from different part of the city should be involved in TIFF?
Honestly, in my opinion, TIFF Bell Lightbox is not like any other movie theatre in the city. They expose movie lovers to different types of films from all over the world- it’s a new movie going experience! You are exposed to great films from other countries and that brings along a new cultural understanding though film. It will have an impact on a person’s view point of the world and that is something that youth rarely ever get.
How do you see this experience connecting to your future goals?
I have learned a lot from just being a part of TIFF Next Wave these past couple of months and it has allowed me to get a better understanding on how to help my own community. The outreach methods and the youth committee are possibly some aspects that I would like to create within my community to help the adults better understand youth and to learn what kids need to create a safer environment for everyone.
What are some TIFF related events that we should look out for in the next year?
Stay tuned for our partnership with Buffer Fest this fall! Also, a TIFF Next Wave Film Festival Sneak Peek in December and of course, our TIFF Next Wave Film Festival in February! To find out more, visit tiff.net/nextwave.
And like us on Facebook! TIFF Next Wave! ~
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October Career Day
As the time approaches for students to fill out post-secondary applications, the implications of such a monumental task heavily impacts their prospective careers. With the aim of easing some of the anxiety that comes with making such a difficult decision, SBL is bringing in young professionals from a myriad of fields providing youth with an opportunity to ask questions and gain critical insight. Here’s a recap of Career Day put together by a very talented 16 year old, Sariena.
SBL 1000 Dinners Conversation on CBC

On October 7th we hosted a dinner in our space as a part of #1000DinnersTO, where people from across the city were discussing the challenges and opportunities that our city is facing. The dinner had some of our staff, students, mentors and mentor alumni present, along with Matt Galloway from CBC.
It was a night of inspiration, ideas and real reflection. Two recordings from that conversation over dinner were broadcast on Metro Morning today, which can both be heard at:
As you will hear, the comprehension of the issues, the clarity of the vision, and the power in their voices came through beautifully.