"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Posted on: June 22, 2012

Archive for August, 2014

Celebrating the Life of Abshir Hassan: A Memorial Concert

Posted on: August 21st, 2014 by admin No Comments

Abshir Flyer


Through a generous partnership with York University and the Toronto District School Board, Celebrating the Life of Abshir Hassan: A Memorial Concert will be held on September 7th between 4pm-8pm. The doors open at 4pm for light refreshments as well as a reception where those attending can share stories and talk with one another. The performances begin promptly at 5pm, midway there will be a short intermission and then more performances will follow. Food will be served at 8:00pm. Throughout the evening stories and memories about Abshir’s life, work and volunteerism will be shared with those in attendance. A slideshow will be shown at the end of the evening. It is a ticketed event, and tickets cost $10. All are welcomed to attend.  Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. This is a benefit concert and all proceeds will be going to preserve Abshir’s legacy.

York Centre for Education & Community Institute 2014 Conference

Posted on: August 20th, 2014 by admin No Comments

Community-University-School Collaboration: Applying What We’ve Learned to a Jane/Finch context

Ycec conference  (1) Ycec conference  (2)


Workshop was held as a panel discussion followed by interactive discussion that leads to generating new ideas for community-university-school collaborations with the Jane-Finch community in mind. The workshop included a presentation of academic literature on effective models of community-university-school collaborations from other jurisdictions.  It will be followed by a presentation by Success Beyond Limits and over 7 years of community-university-school collaboration experience aimed at supporting youth educational attainment in Jane Finch.  York U-TD Community Engagement Centre provided an overview of its revised mandate, core functional areas and activities.  The workshop moved into an interactive discussion intended to generate dialogue and new ideas moving forward with a focus on York/Jane-Finch community partners and local school boards.

Faculty of Education news article on SBL

Posted on: August 20th, 2014 by admin No Comments

Success Beyond Limits still positively impacting the lives of students in Jane and Finch


grade 9 students at the graduation ceremony

On August 7, a group of grade 9 students from the Jane and Finch community who completed a six-week summer program run by Success Beyond Limits (SBL), were celebrated at a special graduation ceremony at Moot Court in York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School.

Over 100 grade 9 students participated in the high school preparatory summer program, earning a high school credit focused on literacy, numeracy and life skills. The program, which was hosted by York’s Faculty of Education, is a joint initiative between the University, the York University Faculty Association (YUFA) and the Jays Care Foundation, in partnership with the Toronto District School Board.

Chris Penrose


“We had an absolutely incredible time with the more than 100 Grade 9 students, 25 mentors and 30 volunteers who participated in the program this summer,” says Chris Penrose, executive director of SBL. “There are so many external factors that students from Jane and Finch face outside of the classroom that affects their immediate and future learning, one of them being a lack of exposure to post-secondary institutions. Our summer program helps to shrink this “achievement gap” in education by bringing youth from the community to York U to be exposed to the post-secondary environment, and empowering youth (who have often been overlooked as leaders) in mentorship roles.  In the long-run, two of the main objectives of our work are to support policy updates that will provide the types of supports and programming options to students facing similar barriers across the system, and to have the young people that have come up through the program take over the leadership of the organization.”


Students spent their mornings working in small classes where they had the additional support of youth mentors from Westview Centennial.   During the afternoons, they made the most of being on campus participating in arts activities, sports, recreation and music in different locations across campus .  Transportation to and from the community, as well as breakfast and lunch were included at no cost to the students.


“My classroom experience was great! We just didn’t learn math, we learned math in a fun way,” commented grade 9 student Gayathiri Rathakone. “The teachers made what we learned in the program fun and interesting and I made a bunch of new friendships that will last a lifetime.”

SBL students participate in a dance workshop

Since its inception in 2010, SBL has positively impacted the lives of 100’s of kids in the Jane/Finch community. “One of the main reasons for our success has been the ongoing support that we have received from the Faculty of Education and in-particular professor Don Dippo,” commented Penrose. “Professor Dippo has been there from the very beginning, when we first began having conversations about the major gaps in the education of youth in Jane and Finch with the community and local schools back in 2005. Without question he has been one of the most dedicated and committed supporters of this work, offering insight and helping us to navigate the university structure in order to deliver our program at York.”


“SBL at York is a good example of what it means to be a community engaged university,” said professor Don Dippo. “Youth, their families, community-based organizations, and the university all share in the benefits of this collaborative effort.”


“At the end of the day, education is in the lifeblood of all that we do at SBL,” comments Penrose. “It’s not just education in the sense of learning and credentials, but education from the perspective of ownership and empowerment.  Our programming and supports are designed to travel along the journey with youth in the community while fostering the conditions that they need to see education as the process of discovering and tapping into potential, rather than something that just happens to them.”


To find out more about Success Beyond Limits, please visit www.successbl.com/


Check out the link to this article at: http://edu.yorku.ca/2014/08/success-beyond-limits-still-positively-impacting-the-lives-of-students-in-jane-and-finch/