Quad 2 – November 14, 2018 – January 31, 2019

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       Period 1 Period 2
ESLBO8 English as a Second Language, B Level GLS4O8          Advanced Learning Strategies; Skills for Success After Secondary School, ESL
ESLCO8 English as a Second Language, C Level ELS208           Literacy Skills, ESL
ESLDO8 English as a Second Language, D Level
ESLEO8 English as a Second Language, E Level


PERIOD 1      8:40 am – 10:40 am CHY4C1 World History Since the Fifteenth Century, Grade 12, College
CHY4U1 World History Since the Fifteenth Century, Grade 121, University
OLC4O1 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12, Open
MAP4C1 Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 12, College
MHF4U1 Advanced Functions, Grade 12, University
SNC2D1 Science, Grade 10, Academic
SPH3U1 Physics, Grade 11, University
HSP3C1 Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, Grade 11, College
HSP3U1 Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology, Grade 11, University
MDM4U1 Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12, University
SCH3U1 Chemistry, Grade 11, University
SBI4U1 Biology, Grade 12, University




PERIOD 2      10:50 am – 12:50 pm CGW4C1 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, College
CGW4U1 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University
ENG2P1 English, Grade 10, Applied
ENG2D1 English, Grade 10, Academic
HSE4M1 Equity and Social Justice College/University
SNC2P1 Science, Grade 10, Applied
ENG4C1 English, Grade 12, College
SCH4U1 Chemistry, Grade 12, University
SPH4U1 Physics, Grade 12, University
MCR 3U Functions and Applications, Grade 11, University
SBI3U1 Biology, Grade 11, University
SBI3C1 Biology, Grade 11, College




PERIOD 3           1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ENG3C1 English, Grade 11, College
ENG3U1 English, Grade 11, University
MBF3C1 Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College
MCF3C1 Functions and Applications, Grade 11, College/University
MFM2P1 Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
MPM2D1 Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
ENG1P1 English, Grade 9, Applied
ENG1D1 English, Grade 9 Academic
ENG4U1 English, Grade12, University
MCV4U Mathematics: Calculus and Vectors




We will be offering Cooperative Education
