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Our Programs


Beanies offers a progressive, integrated approach to early childhood education that stimulates the creative, social, and cognitive development of children aged 2 ½ to 5 years.  As such, our classrooms are equipped with educational and play materials to foster competence in sensory activities, practical life activities, reading and language skills, math, and geography.  In addition, enrichment activities including music, creative movement, puppetry, and creative arts are introduced to your child, as part of our programming.

French and Spanish language instruction and enriched drama instruction are an integral component of the Pre-School curriculum to foster the development of creative and linguistic skills.  Moreover, Beanies provides computers in each Senior Pre-School classroom, in an effort to introduce the children to computer technology and the related educational benefits, at an early age.

Your child will be encouraged to bring his/her work home each week, to provide you with a regular update of their progress. More formal progress reports and parent/teacher interviews will be conducted every six months. As a result, we believe that Beanies Pre-School graduates will be well-prepared for entry into the Public and Separate school systems.

Beanies offers a Before- and After-School program for school-aged children. Children in this program are provided with a healthy snack before and after school, each day.  Children should arrive at Beanies between the hours of 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 A.M., and picked-up between 3:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. All children must be at Beanies by 8:00 A.M. to be driven to their local school by Beanies staff.

NOTE:  The Before- and After-School Program will be closed on Professional Development Days (PD).  The schedule for these PD Days is established by the Public and Separate School Boards at the beginning of each school year.  Beanies will incorporate these days within the Activity Calendar that will be distributed by us, at the beginning of each month.  Beanies provides a full-day program to our Before- and After-School children on those days, for interested parents.

Beanies offers a licensed Summer Day Camp Program which maintains the same operating and procedural standards that are identified within the Day Nurseries Act for our licensed childcare facility.  If you would like to enroll your child in our Summer Day Camp Program, you may speak with the Program Director for additional information.